Friday, June 27, 2008

l;ksdjflsdajfljdsa damn

This is how I feel

So the last few days have been pretty hectic at work. Please forgive me for my lack of posting lately. I owe more to my fans, I know I know.

Let's see... it's Friday night, yay!!! However, I'm still at work, boo.

So, Wednesday afternoon I made a vegan lunch for Brian and Kourtney, Chitra had some too. My favorite thing about the lunch was Kourtney's quote: "I was honestly prepared to give a polite response, but this is actually good."

I filled a pita with eggplant, tempeh, sprouts, some other stuff... it was good.

I can't even remember Thursday, it was a blur. Between grinding my teeth and plopping my head into my hands, the day dragged on. I can't even remember what I ate, but I did have a few drinks afterwards.

That brings us to today, Friday. Thank god Kourtney found the primal strips in the kitchen! Those were lunch, dried fruit was dinner. Another stressful day at work... almost over. I am so ready for the weekend.

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