Monday, June 16, 2008

One Hungry Little Vegan

I should've taken a picture of the sandwich I made for dinner, but I was too damn hungry...

Now in my last post I said I had to start cooking more. With the hectic work schedule a good homemade sandwich is a good start.

Avocado, hummus, roasted red peppers, and sprouts make an amazing culinary treat. The tofurkey in my fridge probably isn't good anymore, and even if it was I wouldn't put it on the sandwich. The stuff still freaks me out a little bit. I also found an acceptable dressing to use for my salads!!! Yay.

I decided to stop being lazy about reading ingredient labels. It was easy to just search out the word "vegan" on everything at whole foods, but keep in mind that vegan cesar dressing will always be nasty, whereas regular balsamic vinaigrette will always be good.

Reading ingredients might mean more time at the store, but at least I know exactly what I'm eating.

In the meantime here's a good book of recipes I recently picked up. I think most intimidating thing about cooking vegan meals is all the new ingredients I've never heard of. Nutritional yeast doesn't sound as friendly as cheese. But I'm an all or nothing kind of person so I'll go buy it and do the best I can.

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